Scleral Lenses
Vision should be an afterthought, something that just happens. For many though, despite having a vision solution, it's a burden that makes normal, everyday life a challenge. They struggle with the constant irritation of dry eyes, soft lenses that underperform, contact lenses that never seem comfortable or just overall poor clarity of vision. Now there's a solution. The Custom Stable is a lens that is restoring vision and changing lives.

Unlike traditional gas permeable lenses that lie directly on the cornea, the Custom Stable vaults over the cornea allowing for a natural tear lens to form. Its perfect contour provides an exact fit that offers maximum hydration and comfort. Also, a rotationally symmetrical scleral design makes blinking and lens rotation issues a thing of the past. The result is crisp vision and eyes that stay clean, healthy, and hydrated all day long. If you are having any issues with clarity, contact lens comfort, fluctuating vision, or ghosting of images, consider the Custom Stable contact lens.
Contact Us
- Vision Plus - Corporate Office
2520 James Street
Bellingham, WA
Premium Material
Only the most advanced materials are used to create Custom Stable lenses.
Advanced mapping and analyzer tools ensure premium quality and an exact fit.
Laser Etching
Patients can have contacts etched for a personalized, more comfortable lens.
PLASMA Treatment
Lens materials are ionized to allow for maximum wettability and comfort.
Support & Handling
For both the doctor and the patient - the industry's best backing for success
Digital Radical Edge Profile
Unique edging system that creates a better, more comfortable lens edge.
Three Simple Reasons To Go Scleral
Are Contact Lenses
Right for You?
If you have high astigmatism, dry eyes, LASIK surgery complications, difficulty with soft contact lens clarity or ghosting of images, the Custom Stable scleral lens might be right for you. Ask our doctors at Vision Plus about your best option today.